The making of a ... what is it?
If you’ve had kids or even pets then you probably know the feeling of the little ones slowly encroaching on every corner of the house. Not just being in the space momentarily but basically laying claim to it. Usually this is a happy event, like you’re old enough now to (fill in the blank) and so we got you a ( ). But at some point, you realize there’s a playhouse in the gym and $2,000 in guitar equipment in what is now the play room. And there’s no more space.
Psssst... it’s a Tuffshed. Don’t tell anyone.
So, we are rearranging and built an exterior unit. Fully insulated studio up in a day. Hired electric and drywall and then went to work.
Time to get started. Mud, caulk and primer.
I’m putting this in as a reminder to myself. I hate painting. Hate it. I always do it to save money and then remember how much I hate it.
I also hate cleaning...
But now the fun begins. Floor! And although I love my saws, vinyl plank flooring is seriously the way to go. Only had to use the table saw once on the last set of planks.
Question: what do we call this little house? I hate the term “man cave” so no thank you.